On March 30th, 2013 we delivered 101 items, it included teddy bears and toys, to The Joseph Sanzari Children’s Hospital, Hackensack New Jersey.

On March 30th teddy bear delivery. From left to right. Cecilia Marie Hernandez, Melanie Rojas and Valerie Rojas
This time I had 2 helpers that teamed up with me to accomplish the project for hope. It was Melanie Rojas and her sister Valerie Rojas.

Valerie Rojas preparing for teddy bear delivery
I am so pleased for a great job they did. They collected teddy bears and toys from “New Light Baptist Church” located in Bloomfield, New Jersey. I want to thank everyone one there that donated towards this cause.

Teddy bears and toys being loaded into carts.
Nurses at the Joseph Sanzari Children’s hospital were so happy to receive this donation. They said it was so nice to bring a sick child a present just before Easter. They said that each child was going to receive a teddy bear as soon as they brought them in.
Melanie Rojas and her Sister Valerie Rojas did a great job. They helped deliver the bears as well. Their mom, Mrs. Rojas helped transporting the bears in her car. My Uncle, Andrew Matulewicz, also helped transport bears in his car. Our car was completely full as well.

Valerie Rojas and Cecilia getting ready to deliver teddy bears
We had a beautiful day. We enjoyed delivering the teddy bears because we know it will make sick children happy.

Teddy bear delivery a the Joseph Sanzari Children;s Hospital, Hackensack New Jersey on March 30th, 2013. Another job accomplished.
Melanie and Valerie Rojas offered me to help next time as well. I am glad they are willing to help towards my Project for hope.
Dear Cecilia,
Thank you so very much for the teddy bear and toy donation! Your generous donation brought so many smiles to the children in the hospital. Thank you to your helpers, too.
Lee Russeth, MS, CCLS
Dear Lee Russeth,
You’re welcome. I am glad the children enjoyed the Teddy Bears and toys.
Thanks for your kind words and I want to thank everyone in your church that helped out.
It is so nice when we all cooperate for a nice cause.